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Can staying in the same job for too long harm my career?

Can staying in the same job for too long harm my career?

Posted on 18/07/2022 by Caitlin Ielasi

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Traditionally, people would stay in jobs for ten to twenty years, giving the impression that they were loyal, reliable, and stable. Now it's the opposite. That model is disappearing, and employers are cautious about hiring individuals who have worked in one job for a long time. Choosing when to move on can be a balancing act for many, since employers want both tenure and career advancement.

How long is too long?

It is generally not recommended to remain in the same position for more than five years if your goal is to advance your career. If you remain in one position for longer than this time period, you run the risk of committing to one position/one organisation. This may begin to close doors rather than open them.

The risks

Salary limitations: Has your income become stagnant? It's likely that looking for new opportunities will be the main way you get raises and promotions, unless you're getting promotions frequently along with big pay increases.

Insufficient skill development: Your resume will not reflect a variety of accomplishments or duties if you only work in one job. You will also be limited in your ability to provide a variety of references.

The rut: You may find yourself unmotivated and stuck in a rut where your job becomes monotonous and repetitive. You may have stopped learning new things and find yourself bored with your work.

Job security: There's always a potential that your long-term job will appoint an unexpected vacancy. You may feel unprepared, out of practise at looking for work, low in confidence, and deficient in a range of abilities and expertise.

Deciding to move on?

Be prepared to provide an explanation if you have worked in the same position for more than five years. Describe the scope of your responsibilities and how they have changed over time. Put emphasis on a variety of tasks, diverse projects, and your professional accomplishments. Talk about the new talents you've picked up and your professional growth strategy.​