
Entree Recruitment testimonials and reviews
Entree Recruitment testimonials and reviews


Entrée Recruitment Testimonial - Oz Minerals

Entrée Recruitment Testimonial - Oz Minerals

Oz Minerals - Carly Malycha

Bec is super lovely. I've been lucky enough to experience Bec's professionalism as both a candidate and client over the years and never hesitate to get in touch when the need arises or recommend Entrée's services to others. The service is always fast, reliable, easy & delivered with a smile. Entrée have never failed to meet expectation, response times are speedy and always professional and personable. What I appreciate most about dealing with Entrée is the feeling that is about the right people fit, not just another check box to book assignments regardless of finding the right people for the culture of the organisation. It is for exactly this reason that I sought out to have Entrée added to my new employers books.
The support team are also wonderful, and recently with Bec starting maternity leave Briony has been introduced to our organisation - this has been seamless. Bec, Briony & Breeanna always deliver fantastic services with the biggest of smiles.

Entrée Recruitment Testimonial - University of South Australia

Entrée Recruitment Testimonial - University of South Australia

University of South Australia - Rebecca Sutherland

Entrée provide a very professional and friendly service. They are adaptable to the ever changing requirements of our organisation which is very appreciated. They have a strong knowledge of our organisation and sector including relevant legislation and advice. Entrée are always open to process improvements and working with our organisation to make processes easier and more efficient. They are very understanding and always willing to work as a team with our organisation. The level of service provided by Ruth and Carolin has always been very quick/efficient. It is obvious that they take the time to get to know all the teams across our organisation to ensure that the candidates supplied to our organisation are a good fit. They are always friendly and professional making them both a pleasure to work with. Thank you.

Entrée Recruitment Testimonial - Footers Structural Timber

Entrée Recruitment Testimonial - Footers Structural Timber

Footers Structural Timber - Nick Solomon

Jo is very thorough in understanding the needs of the client and does not miss even the slightest detail. I feel that due to her close and longstanding relationship with Footers and our management, she understands what we need and what we like - therefore always finds the best fitting candidate. Jo maintains contact throughout the whole process (with both the client and the candidate) which I think is a nice touch. She maintains end to end contact to ensure the process is as seamless as possible and ensures all needs are met. She is easily contactable and follows up promptly. 

Entrée Recruitment Testimonial - Anglicare SA

Entrée Recruitment Testimonial - Anglicare SA

Anglicare SA - Jennifer Hyde

Rebecca has always been quick to respond and has been honest and easy to work with. Entrée Recruitment are superior compared to other recruitment agencies. Good professional service and down to earth people.

Entrée Recruitment Testimonial - MacPlumb Plumbing Service

Entrée Recruitment Testimonial - MacPlumb Plumbing Service

MacPlumb Plumbing Service - Jane McEntee

Joanna was fast to act, and made things easy our end. The support staff person was good for our requirements. Joanna provided a professional and quality service. She was extremely quick to respond and offered solutions when the original placement did not work out. I would recommend Joanna to other businesses, and would not hesitate to contact her again should the need arise.

Entrée Recruitment Testimonial - Office of the Commissioner for Children and Young People

Entrée Recruitment Testimonial - Office of the Commissioner for Children and Young People

Office of the Commissioner for Children and Young People - Fernanda Pacheco

I mainly dealt with Renae and she offered great support throughout the recruitment process as well as timely follow up. Superior customer service. Her knowledge of good professionals available made all the difference when recruiting a senior professional in a such small timeframe. Keep up the amazing work!

Entrée Early Years Recruitment Testimonial - Autism SA

Entrée Early Years Recruitment Testimonial - Autism SA

Autism SA - Stephanie Miller

All of the staff you have placed with our programs have been fantastic. Each have brought a high level of professionalism to their work and have slotted in so beautifully into our teams. Working with children on the spectrum can present some unique challenges but each of your workers has taken it in their stride, applied their early childhood skills appropriately and demonstrated incredible initiative and adaptability. I am so glad to have connected with you last year and look forward to our continued partnership throughout the remainder of the year.

Entrée Recruitment Testimonial - Agribusiness Australia

Entrée Recruitment Testimonial - Agribusiness Australia

Agribusiness Australia - Liz Baines

Excellent service provided by Samara. She responded very quickly when I asked for a temp. Video job advertisements: I love it! I often see them on Facebook and watch them even if the role/industry is not relevant to me. They are very well produced and give a great insight into the organisation you are recruiting for - a good way to entice passive candidates.

Entrée Recruitment Testimonial - Floors Plus Carpet Court

Entrée Recruitment Testimonial - Floors Plus Carpet Court

Floors Plus Carpet Court - Rosie Visintin

It was exceptionally easy. I was a little apprehensive in obtaining a temp but Renae made it so easy. Renae was exceptional. Really easy to talk to and answered my questions with ease. I have always been apprehensive in getting a temp but this experience has definitely changed my mind. Our temp was lovely and very professional.

Entrée Recruitment Testimonial - Hodgkison Pty Ltd (Architects)

Entrée Recruitment Testimonial - Hodgkison Pty Ltd (Architects)

Hodgkison Pty Ltd (Architects) - Wendy Phelps

Everyone at Entrée with whom I have had contact over considerable years has been professional, helpful and very prompt with regard to enquiries and assistance. Rebecca is always a pleasure to work with and a consummate professional. I believe that Entree staff members value their candidates and labour-hire employees, not just their clients. That is a significant difference from many recruitment companies.

Entrée Early Years Recruitment Testimonial - Emali Early Learning Centres

Entrée Early Years Recruitment Testimonial - Emali Early Learning Centres

Emali - Nadine Quarello

We’ve been working with the lovely Penny for about 6 months now and Penny has been a fantastic support in partnering with us around providing for temporary staffing needs, particularly when we’ve needed an overflow of extra staff. And in regards to understanding market needs and insights into what’s happening out there in the SA market. Also, in coming into our business and understanding our culture, coming into our centres and getting to know our Directors and team members, that enabled Entrée and Penny to provide us with excellent staff. For us it’s really been the quality of the staff that Entrée has provided and the ease of their staff coming to our centres and assisting in looking after our children and liaising with our families. It’s really been high quality staff that Entrée has provided for us. Also, providing salary information if we’re looking in the market and trying to benchmark where we sit in the market. Those sorts of insights from Entrée are very helpful in helping us make business decisions.

Entrée Early Years Recruitment Testimonial - Kate Cocks Community Children's Centre

Entrée Early Years Recruitment Testimonial - Kate Cocks Community Children's Centre

Kate Cocks Community Children's Centre - Melissa Alyward

Very positive and rewarding experiences. Penny is always able to offer what we require, whether it be a casual cook, educator or a permanent staff member. Always a quick turn around. Phone calls never go unanswered. Friendly and helpful recruiters. Always asking for feedback. We have a wonderful professional relationship. Penny is wonderful to work with. Friendly, happy and very relatable. She knows the field of work inside and out and that is due to coming from the early childhood sector herself. We love Penny.

Entrée Early Years Recruitment Testimonial - Surrey Downs Community Children's Centre

Entrée Early Years Recruitment Testimonial - Surrey Downs Community Children's Centre

Surrey Downs Community Children's Centre - Ann Morrison

The quality of the staff we have received has always been great. I have also enjoyed the opportunity for additional training and this week we are looking forward to the breakfast. Penny has always made it very easy for us to get staff at short notice. She is always helpful, happy and easy to deal with. I find the video job advertisements a lovely fresh approach to see Penny in these advertisements and the information is verbalised in a way that is makes it clear exactly what she is promoting. It’s a pleasure doing business with Entrée. We don't use your service every week but when we do it’s like dealing with friends.

Entrée Early Years Recruitment Testimonial - Christian Brothers College Early Years

Entrée Early Years Recruitment Testimonial - Christian Brothers College Early Years

Christian Brothers College Early Years - Sean Carr

Penny gets back to the centre to let us know what is happening faster than the other agencies. I ring Penny to discuss many issues or to pick her brains on issues relating to child care. I value her opinion respect her experience and can have a very professional and open discussion. As a Director you have a bank of people you can speak to about issues in child care and Penny is high on that list. Penny takes time to visit the centres so she knows about the centre where Entrée is suppling staff this makes all the difference. The other event that stands out which says so much about who Penny is from a professional point of view and her values as a person. In summing up she has a wealth of knowledge, cares about the different centres, is a pleasure to work with and is always a very clear communicator.

Entrée Training & Development - The Leadership Lab

Entrée Training & Development - The Leadership Lab

The Leadership Lab

Past participants of the Entrée Training & Development Leadership Lab have valued the ability to “workshop real life problems” through “practical conversations with real life examples”. Participants have appreciated “learning from others through experience” and “really value everyone’s support and input and ideas.” According to past participants, “the mixed experiences and backgrounds of the other participants” have provided “a good balance between theoretical background and sharing individual perspectives and reflecting on self.”

Entrée Training & Development - Office Professionals Enrichment Program

Entrée Training & Development - Office Professionals Enrichment Program

Office Professionals Enrichment Program

I found the program content to be highly relevant and professionally delivered by knowledgeable specialists. The timeframe for each session was perfect, being mindful that we are often not able to spend large amounts of time away from our offices and executives. I have taken away a number of useful strategies around communication, wellbeing/resilience and project management.

Entrée Training & Development - Office Professionals Enrichment Program

Entrée Training & Development - Office Professionals Enrichment Program

Office Professionals Enrichment Program

Overall I have learnt so much more than I was expecting to. I fully expected that some of the sessions would be like 'preaching to the converted' but the content was fresh and topical and definitely relevant. Overall it has been a very rewarding experience and one that I really thank my management for giving me the opportunity to undertake.

Entrée Training & Development - Office Professionals Enrichment Program

Entrée Training & Development - Office Professionals Enrichment Program

Office Professionals Enrichment Program

Continual personal and professional development is so important, as is connection with peers, and the resilience and wellbeing sessions are crucial for any role. This program ticks all the boxes.

Entrée Training & Development - Public Speaking Workshop

Entrée Training & Development - Public Speaking Workshop

Public Speaking Workshop

Public speaking is scary. But in this workshop I felt supported. The content was relevant and will be used in my work and future presentations. I have taken so much out of this workshop and am grateful for your knowledge and expertise in this area. Thank you!

Entrée Training & Development - Building Emotional Resilience Workshop

Entrée Training & Development - Building Emotional Resilience Workshop

Building Emotional Resilience Workshop

This session has taught me to relate to my emotions, let go of your past and start focusing on today. Be more aware of your surroundings and really listen to people. Not only did I come out with a sense of self worth but I also came out with some wonderful new friends.

Entrée Training & Development - Building Emotional Resilience Workshop

Entrée Training & Development - Building Emotional Resilience Workshop

Building Emotional Resilience Workshop

This session made me focus on myself and made me realise that I can stop and relax. It made me appreciate everything and everyone around me. I loved this course.