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What do your socials say about you?

What do your socials say about you?

Posted on 8/11/2021 by Caitlin Ielasi

What Do Your Socials Say About You

What do your socials say about you?

Make your social media platforms work for you.

Have you ever applied for a job and thought, my application looked great, but I haven’t been contacted? It could be your socials letting you down.

Social Media Presence

Did you know? 21% of recruiters admit to rejecting a candidate after looking them up on Facebook and seeing something that gave them a negative impression. 5% of recruiters say they have cancelled a job interview due to a bad social media impression (Job Description Library, 2021).

Things to avoid

  • Offensive or inappropriate posts

  • High visibility profile

  • Engaging in debates, discussions, or public arguments

  • Unprofessional profile photos

  • Complaining about previous employment

  • Presenting a provocative, inconsistent, or negative image or yourself​


  • Utilise your privacy settings - Did you know you can click ‘view as’ on most social media platforms? This will give you an indication as to what your profile looks like to the public eye.

  • Audit your accounts - Would you hire yourself? Look at the content that is public / shared and adjust visibility or remove inappropriate content.

  • Google yourself — Try using private browsing mode to see how you appear on the internet. Your browser is tailored to you and won’t show accurate information. Use a friend’s browser or incognito mode to see what’s published.

  • Pin it - Make the most of social media by pinning your resume or portfolio to your platforms. This will direct potential employers to the right information to get you noticed.

Remember, you don’t need to get rid of all your social media content, you just need to tailor it to benefit you. Taking just 5 to 10 minutes out of your day to check out what prospective employers can see may help with your next application.