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Entrée Training & Development Candidate Workshop Feedback

Entrée Training & Development Candidate Workshop Feedback

Posted on 29/03/2019 by Entree Recruitment

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Entrée Training & Development recently held our first candidate workshop. The workshop was focused on "Building Emotional Resiliency" and was an informative and insightful experience for all involved.

We value the feedback provided to us, and the responses after the workshop were extremely positive.

"Kudos to Tiffany and team for organizing the session that was perfectly timed for all of us who are going through various experiences in our lives. The session was extremely informative and engaging. Anne Rodgers facilitated the session professionally, giving us an insight on how to keep our emotions in check on a daily basis. It was a pleasure being at the session and meeting with some amazing people. Entree's Training and Development Unit is a star in Adelaide! Thank you Tiffany!"

"I was privileged to attend the “Building Emotional Resilience” session. I am glad to say this was an empowering session. This session has taught me to relate to my emotions, let go of your past and start focusing on today. Be more aware of your surroundings and really listen to people. Not only did I come out with a sense of self worth but I also came out with some wonderful new friends."

"This session made focus on myself and made me realise that I can stop and relax. It made me appreciate everything and everyone around me. I loved this course."

"The content was very useful. I valued the current day to day examples in the session."

"Thank you so much for including me in the session. I have absolutely enjoyed it and just feel so much more empowered.  I am practicing what I have learned and it is amazing to really listen to my surroundings"

"Great presenter, valued her experience and her time in dealing with individuals present. Also, the short tips for a quick ‘diffuse’ during the day."