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Why you SHOULD put all your eggs in one basket

Why you SHOULD put all your eggs in one basket

Posted on 26/02/2019 by Breeanna Noske

recruitment blog

It’s an age old adage. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. It’s a good idea to have back up plans. Other options. Widen the possibilities. Increase your opportunities.

Let us tell you why this is NOT the case in recruitment.

You may think that approaching multiple recruitment agencies with the same role will provide you with an abundance of candidate options to choose from. Broadening your choices is always handy, right? The fact of the matter is that this will not provide you with the best solution for your problem.

Firstly, candidates do not register and remain loyal to only one recruitment agency. And we, as a recruitment agency, are okay with that! It is certainly common for job seekers to build strong relationships with two or three Recruiters to broaden their potential opportunities. Job seekers also don’t want to put all THEIR eggs in one basket. Connecting with multiple recruiters, submitting many independent job applications, and reaching out to personal and broader networks are all effective methods utilised by job-seekers to source the best employment opportunity.

So, what this likely means when you are approaching multiple recruitment agencies with your opportunity is that you will have multiple agencies recommending the same candidate(s). Potentially, you are spending your time talking through the specific points of your vacant role five times over to receive the same resume in response five times over. Particularly within the tight and small market of Entrée Recruitment’s home town Adelaide this is a common occurrence.

Another benefit of approaching only one Recruiter with your vacancy? A dedicated, personalised and thorough recruitment process. Should the responsibility to fill a role fall solely on one Recruiter, that Recruiter will take the responsibility onboard and move mountains to ensure it is filled, and filled with the PERFECT person. This personal and exclusive recruitment process through Entrée Recruitment would involve bespoke video advertisement advertising your office, your people and your culture, a carefully crafted written advertisement, applicant management, intensive behavioural interviews, shortlist reports and expert recommendations.

Additionally, an exclusive relationship with a recruitment agency will aid a Recruiter’s ability to attract and persuade talent, providing you with the best candidate for your position. It is much easier for a Recruiter to sell a role to a job seeker when they feel they have the knowledge and insight into your organisation. Entrée Recruitment don’t believe in transactional recruitment, which is why we believe that a dedicated one-on-one service produces the greatest results for our clients. Relationship building, face-to-face meetings, and acting as a brand ambassador are the best way to recruit a role and win over top talent.

Picture this. You approach multiple banks for different loans and accounts, trying to take advantage of the best deals and the best offers that each bank provides. This results in bank accounts here. Personal loans there. Your finances are messy and complicated. Each bank provides you with very limited customer service. Had you approached one bank, everything would be together in a neat little package. Your Bank Manager would know you by name. Your finances would be a WHOLE lot easier to manage.

Service industries as a whole provide great examples of the value of putting all your eggs in one basket. The relationships built, the loyalties developed, and the service provided far outweigh any potential benefits of farming your needs out to multiple providers. A good Recruiter will want to work WITH you on your requirement, rather than transactionally forwarding CV’s from a database with no understanding of your employee wish list.