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SMARTER ANSWERS: Do you have any questions?

SMARTER ANSWERS: Do you have any questions?

Posted on 26/02/2019 by Breeanna Noske

recruitment blog

Continuing with our series ‘Smarter Answers’, today’s blog explores the interview question about questions. Towards the end of your interview, your interviewer will likely ask you:


“Do you have any questions?”

So what questions do you ask? What questions SHOULDN’T you ask? Is this the right time to discuss salary? Or to bring up the holiday you have planned in 6 months’ time?

In our opinion, the best answer to this question is to ask your own questions. Asking questions of an interviewer can demonstrate preparation, dedication, motivation and enthusiasm. But what are the RIGHT questions?


“What is the best part about working for your organisation?”

Essentially, this question will give you information on multiple of aspects about the role, from company culture to benefits, which can be important factors in making a decision about a position. Asking this question in this manner also engages the personal experience and opinion of your interviewer, facilitating personal conversation and relationship building.


“What is the worst thing about working for your organisation?”

Not everybody will be comfortable asking this question, but Entrée Recruitment Consultants respect an interviewee who asks this question – even when we’re recruiting internal roles! Again, this facilitates relationship and rapport building by asking about your interviewer’s personal opinions and experiences. It may also give you an insight into the organisation, not even just through the content of the response but also by the willingness of the response!


“What do you think the challenges are within this role?”

This question can provide insight into the projects or tasks that you may face within the position and their difficulty. It can also uncover details regarding to the level of support available and achievability of timeframes and KPIs.


“What are your hesitations in hiring me for the position?”

Now THIS one may take a little courage. It’s not a commonly asked question, and you do need to sound out your interviewer before asking this one. If you feel like you’ve developed a strong enough rapport with your interviewer, this can be a great opportunity to overcome concerns (or learn that there are none!). A current Entrée Recruitment employee asked this question of our General Manager in their interview, and it came across as confident, collaborative and self-aware.


“What are the next steps in the recruitment process?”

Asking about the next stage in the process can not only demonstrate your eagerness for the position, but can also give you information related to the timeline, which can provide indications for when you can expect an outcome or when to follow up.

And what should you NOT ask? Mostly, this includes any information already covered within the job advertisement or documentation provided to you. This might sound obvious, but it’s important not to ask a question just for the sake of asking a question. Make sure you’ve read the advertisement thoroughly prior to your interview to ensure you are clear on the position. Clarification is welcomed, but time spent confirming points from the advertisement can be better spent.


Additional no-go’s include:

When can I expect a pay increase?
How quickly will I get promoted?


Let’s get you the job first.

Do you check references?
Do you conduct Police checks?


What may be a general enquiry about the recruitment process COULD raise red flags with your interviewer depending on how it’s phrased. Best to remain general and ask about the next steps in the recruitment process as a whole.

So what about salary? When should this discussion come into play? Consultants at Entrée Recruitment will ALWAYS have this discussion upon the first interaction with each applicant, well before the first interview. This ensures expectations and offerings are a match before proceeding through a recruitment process. HOWEVER, if you find yourself in an interview and salary has not yet been discussed, this is the right time to bring it up. While it might feel uncomfortable to talk dollars, it is important to gain clarification and avoid investing time into a process only to be disappointed at the offer stage.


The advice is similar when it comes to discussing potential upcoming holidays or pre-planned periods of leave. An Entrée Recruitment Consultant will always ask this question at the first interview. However, again if it is not asked of you, make sure to make mention in your interview. This demonstrates transparency and a dedication to the role.


So go on. Start preparing your questions now so you’re ready when the time comes. And let us know what interview questions YOU want help answering in our next SMARTER ANSWERS blog via our Facebook Page: