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The Secret Life of a Recruiter

The Secret Life of a Recruiter

Posted on 4/12/2018 by Entree Recruitment

recruitment blog

Recruitment. Post an ad and pick the most experienced applicant, right?

From late night phone calls to combing through databases, there are a lot of blood, sweat and tears that go into a recruitment process. Certainly more elements than somebody outside of the industry would realise. So what IS your Entrée Consultant actually doing for you and your organisation leading up to your new staff member’s first day? Let’s explore.


Culture Fit

No two Reception roles are the same. Different organisations will call for different personalities and working styles from their staff. Each Entrée Consultant possesses a close relationship with their clients and know EXACTLY the type of employee that will fit right in. And for a first time client? Site visits, detailed briefings and a lot of research help build that knowledge. This information is highly considered throughout EVERY stage of the applicant assessment process.



Is your organisation a work hard/play hard environment? Do you value the learning and development of your staff above all else? Whatever your key values, your Entrée Consultant has uncovered them and has ensured all written, video and social media advertising reflects them.


Phone queries

Even in a world of technology, human interaction is still valued and sought after. That’s why applicants will pick up the phone and make an enquiry after reading an engaging advertisement. You might not realise that Entrée Consultants receive MANY a phone call from interested persons, and are answering questions about the role and your organisation to entice job seekers to apply.


Search work

Your perfect employee may not be actively scouring Seek for a new opportunity. This is why Entrée Consultants utilise multiple databases to source the perfect candidate. Our own database contains years worth of data and enables us to reach out to persons whom may not have applied to your advertisement, but who we know will be the perfect match for your organisation. Access to the back ends of Seek and LinkedIn also give Entrée Consultants the ability to headhunt your next staff member.


Screening and interviewing techniques

Phone screening, behaviour-based face-to-face interviewing, reference checking, and skills testing. Entrée Consultants ensure these methods are thorough and in depth. No video interviewing here! There is so much more to a candidate than just their career summary on a CV. Entrée Consultants meet each applicant in person and shake their hand. Should an applicant have difficulty getting out of work to attend an interview? Entrée Consultants will meet an applicant off-site, interview after hours,or do whatever necessary to ensure top talent isn’t missed due to logistics.


Keeping candidates engaged

Arguably the most important element to a Recruitment campaign is keeping preferred candidates updated and interested. A fast process aids in this, but where this is not possible Entrée Consultants are speaking with their shortlisted candidates every day. Checking in. Asking about other job opportunities. Overcoming concerns. Answering questions. Taking calls inside of business hours and out. And ensuring that you don’t lose top talent to your competitors!



Having your Entrée Consultant acting as the mediator in negotiations means that both yourself as an organisation and an offered candidate can achieve the best outcome. Between salary discussions, competing job offers and counter offers, you might not realise the amount of conversation that goes into this negotiation process before an Entrée Consultant comes to you with an accepted job offer. And also the amount of conversation that Entrée Consultants conduct from the very first applicant phone screen, so that these sorts of situations are pre-empted and don’t throw a spanner in the works.



Entrée Consultants aren’t only operating as Recruiters during working hours. In their own time, Entrée Consultants are working to understand the factors affecting the industries they deal within. They are researching legislative changes, shifts in the stock market and industry trends and informing themselves about businesses in Adelaide and the global forces affecting them. Candidate sourcing also never stops. At family barbecues, kids’ birthday parties and when out on the town, Entrée Consultants are asking questions about people’s jobs, companies and employment. Entrée Consultants are naturally inquisitive and sourcing candidates is an ingrained part of their personality.


So there you have it. An insight into the Secret Life of a Recruiter. These are the underground ways in which Entrée Consultants are working for you out in the market and securing your next valuable, long term employee.