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A-Z of Job Hunting (aka. Tips and Tricks for Job Seekers)

A-Z of Job Hunting (aka. Tips and Tricks for Job Seekers)

Posted on 4/12/2018 by Breeanna Noske

recruitment blog

A: Applications

Taking the time to carefully craft each application will ensure yours stands out from the bunch. Follow the instructed process, meet deadlines, and address the criteria.


B: Branding

Brand yourself. Use your CV, your cover letter, your interview techniques, your dress, and your communications to portray your brand.


C: Cover Letter

Keep it succinct and relevant. There’s no point regurgitating your career background. This is what a CV is for. Use your cover letter to address why you want a specific role, why you are interested in working for a specific organisation, and what you can bring to the position that others can’t.


D: Dress Code

Your thongs, glitter lipstick or novelty Christmas tie won’t be the best look at a job interview!


E: Email Address

The email address you created when you were 12 years old ALSO won’t be the best look.


F: Feedback

Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback. If you receive an unsuccessful email, call up and ask how you could have improved your application. Especially enquire if you are unsuccessful after an interview. Ask for ways in which you could have presented differently, or what the successful candidate had that you didn’t.


G: Goals

Your interviewer (read: Potential new Manager) does not want to hear at an interview for a bookkeeping role that you want to be an Astronaut in the next 6 months! Keep responses to questions about goals relevant to the role you are applying to. It’s not about lying – it’s about understanding realistic achievements within your foreseeable career.


H: Handshake

No wet fish here!


I: Interview

Arrive no earlier than 5-10 minutes. Don’t bring a coffee or can of Redbull with you. Keep your personal belongings off the desk/table. And don’t check your phone during!


J: Jokes

Don’t tell jokes. You need to be completely serious in an interview or on a phone conversation with a Recruiter. Do not show your true personality. JUST JOKING. Recruiters want to know the real you. So go on... Make us laugh!


K: Keywords

The technology revolution sees Hiring Managers using computer programs to search CVs for relevant terms. Ensure you list your skill set on your CV, and include the names of any computer programs you have experience in using, relevant courses and training you have undertaken and qualifications you possess.


L: LinkedIn

One social media profile you won’t need to lock down when searching for work! Ensure your LinkedIn profile is up to date and reflects an image of yourself that you wish your potential new Manager to view.


M: Money

Don’t be afraid to talk dollars! Having upfront conversations about salary expectations will avoid awkward situations further down the track when both you and the Hiring Manager have invested time into a (now) moot process.


N: Networking

Ever heard the old adage “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”?  While not always the case, there is some truth in networking bringing about opportunity. Reach out to your friends and family, or attend local industry events to build connections.


O: Organisation

Not as in company – as in preparation! Research a company prior to an interview. Prepare questions to ask of your interviewer. Keep track of all submitted applications (including organisation, job title and the advertiser’s name) so you aren’t caught unawares when they call back.


P: Personal Statement

If you wish to include a Personal Statement or Overview on your CV, ensure it is relevant, succinct, and demonstrates the unique abilities that set you above the rest of the pack.


Q: Qualifications

Include the qualification name, school and date obtained. P.S. your 1 Day Yodelling Workshop may not be SUPER relevant to a corporate job application.


R: References

Listing your Mum as a referee isn’t a good idea. Nor is listing your Aunty, cousin or friend. Keep referees relevant: past managers or supervisors. Haven’t yet been employed? Teachers, lecturers, sporting coaches and other authority figures will be your best bet.


S: Seek is our best recommendation of a job board to use. Ensure your Seek profile is up to date. Most people don’t realise that Recruiters and Hiring Managers can search the Seek database for job seekers that match their staffing requirements (neat, right?!). So ensuring your profile is updated increases your chances of being found.


T: Testing

A completely normal part of a recruitment process. No need to panic. Whether it be clerical skills testing, psychological testing or personality testing, there is usually no right or wrong answer. These tests are more about identifying your strengths or the ways in which you will best fit into a team.


U: Understand

Ensure you understand a role and an organisation fully before accepting a job offer. Not sure about something? Got questions? Ask! It demonstrates interest and intellect.


V: Voicemail

Your favourite 90’s jam might have seemed like a great Voicemail intro in your teens, but not so professional when a Recruiter is calling! (Mind you, we probably WOULD have a sing along)


W: Wholeheartedness

Approach each job application/interview/process with wholeheartedness. Be honest, be open, be inquisitive and be interested. If you don’t feel passion for a company or role, it may not be the right one for you.


X: Xerox

A printed version of your application delivered in person may seem like a good way to get noticed, but in most instances companies use electronic recruitment tracking systems for applications. Deviating from an electronic submission may see your application missed.


Y: Yippee!

You got the job! A verbal offer will be followed by a written one. Ensure you have read, understand and accept your contract before submitting your resignation to your current employer.


Z: Zero

Zero of something will achieve nothing. Zero applications, zero preparation, zero confidence. You’ve got to be in it to win it!