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7 top tips to impress at your interview

7 top tips to impress at your interview

Posted on 3/08/2018 by Entree Recruitment

Job interview

There are some very easy things that you can do before, during and after your interview to ensure you are presenting the best version of yourself.

Here are our 7 tips on how to impress a Recruitment Consultant:

  1. Be on time! Being late makes you look disorganised or even disrespectful. If the unexpected happens and you know you’ll be late, call the interviewer.

  2. Research the company you are interviewing for and have some questions ready to ask. Being unprepared is not a good look. 

  3. Dress as you would if you were meeting the client. Consultants need to know how you present yourself. As they say – dress to impress!   

  4. Body language. This is so simple, but a lot of people forget about this aspect of first impressions. Your presentation is more than just how you dress. It’s your energy too. Smile and have a firm handshake when you meet your consultant. Make sure you make eye contact, because this is one of the strongest forms of non-verbal communication.

  5. Be yourself. Don’t try to be what you think the job or interviewer wants, be authentic and let your personality shine through.

  6. Know your resume and have concrete examples to be able to display your skills.

  7. Follow up. After an interview, send an email thanking the interviewer for their time and consideration.