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Keeping hold of your talent

Keeping hold of your talent

Posted on 5/06/2018 by Entree Recruitment

recruitment blog

Having high staff retention is beneficial for any business. Retaining talent maintains comprehensive knowledge of your business, and is one of the ingredients for high morale. A constant turnover of staff can be a drain on the bottom line and limit productivity.

So what can you do to ensure talent is with you for the long haul? 

To find the answers, we spoke to Entrée long-timers Carolin (12 years), Joanna (11 years), Laura (10 years), Rebecca (10 years), and Samara (5 years) to learn why they are still here.


This is something they all agreed on. When the team are trusted in their role and not micromanaged, they take ownership and pride in what they do, instead of second-guessing every single action. 

As Samara says, "I appreciate that Megan (Entrée General Manager) trusts me to manage my clients the way I want to, so I don’t have to check in every day."


In a workplace where more than half of the team are mothers, flexibility is a must. "It was so important for me to have the flexibility I needed after having my baby," Rebecca states. Joanna agrees. "When you’re a mum, life is unpredictable. So it helps having a manager like Megan who understands."


Having a clear career path is very important in keeping a team motivated. You may want your talent to stay on board, but you never want them to be bored. A large number of the Entrée team have been promoted internally, which is a testament to Entrée’s commitment for professional development, and is one of the reasons talent likes to stick around. 

"Megan gives me the freedom to go after roles which interest and challenge me," affirms Samara. "I would have felt stifled if I was told I could only recruit a specific type of role."


"There’s no fear of speaking your mind here." Carolin believes Megan’s openness benefits the entire Entrée team. Sharing ideas without fear of retribution endorses a feeling of security with office communication. There are also other benefits. When your team are comfortable with open and constructive communication, they will have greater trust and respect for those in management — which is key to keeping talent satisfied.


You want your team to feel like they are making valuable contributions. Carolin, Rebecca, Joanna, Samara and Laura all agree that feeling valued and worthy is one of the reasons they stay. "It’s more than just a job," reveals Joanna. "It’s like a family."

At the end of the day, employees stay where they feel valued, respected and appreciated. They want to be acknowledged as a human being, with human emotions and a personal life. If you already have a culture which honours this, then all signs point to a team who are happy in their roles with no plans to leave any time soon.